One Gym Monster, Unlimited Possibilities

Four Versatile Resistance Modes + Powerful Engine

Digital Weight System
The Speediance digital weight system offers unparalleled ease of use coupled with steadfast accuracy.

Direct-drive Motors
The dual direct-drive engines generate different levels of weight, making it easier to correct muscular imbalances.

Maximum 220 lbs/100kg
Maximum weight of 220 lbs/100kg and an adjustable increment of 1 lb, you can tailor your training to fit your needs.

Step 1 - Get Prepared
- Assess Your Strengths for Optimal Performance
- Set Your Fitness Goals with Precision
- Explore Varied Workout Types for Enhanced Results

Step 2 - Pre-Training
- Personalized Free Lifting Options
- 60+ Smart Scheduled Fitness Plans
- 370+ Coach-Curated Workouts
- Tailored Training Sessions for Your Goals

Step 3 - While-Training
- Provide Real-time Updates of Your 1RM
- Offer Immediate Feedback & Imbalance Correction
- Enable Multi-Device Synchronization

Step 4 - Post-Training
- Reveil Training Data Insights such as Consumption,Output etc.
- Track Cumulative Workout Results. More data like Intensity levels, Muscle group readiness etc.
Aim for Excellence, Break Limits to Grow
Just As You've Proven Before.

Versatile Accessories

With Handles, You Can Do:
- Side Seated Biceps Curl
- Standing Dual-Handle Cable Biceps Curls
- Seated Lateral Raise
- Arm Romanian Deadlift
- Cable Bent-Over Reverse Fly
- Cable Front Shoulder Raise
- Standing Dual Cable External Rotation
- Dual-Handle Cable Lunge

With Adjustable Bench, You Can Do:
- Barbell Lunge
- Standing Reverse Barbell Curl
- Barbell Romanian Deadlift
- Narrow Grip Barbell Bench Press
- Incline Barbell Bench Press
- Barbell Good-morning
- Seated Barbell Shoulder Press
- Barbell Stiff-legged Deadlift
- Upright Barbell Rows
- Barbell Standing Front Raise
- Barbell Bench Press

With Tricep Rope, You Can Do:
- Y-Front Raise
- Rope Pull Through
- Low Cable Bent Over Row
- Rope Cable Hammer Curl
- Standing Overhead Cable Triceps Extension

With Adjustable Bench, You Can Do:
- Incline Cable Fly
- Seated Incline Arms Curl
- Seated Alternating Bicep Curl
- Incline Barbell Bench Press
- Barbell Supine Straight Arm Pullover
- Dual Handle Bench Cable Fly
- Barbell Lying Triceps Extension

- With Bluetooth Ring, You Can easily adjust weight during your training.

With Ankle Straps, You Can Do:
- Cable Hip Abduction
- Standing Cable Kickback
- Bench Supine Bicycle
- Standing Leg Curl
- Kneeling Board Straight Leg Kick
- Kneeling Bench Knee Flexion and Kick
- Bench Kneeling External Rotation
- Standing Single Leg Raise